
TMI: Thats Normal to You?

1. What do find is the most exciting part of a new sexual encounter?

2. Do you have "a most exciting part of a sexual encounter" with a usual partner?

3. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you just met?

4. How open and honest are you about your life with someone you work with?

5. How open and honest are you about your life with a casual acquaintance who lives in your neighborhood (or the parent a your child's friend or...)?

Bonus (as in optional): Define a "normal" as in "normal relationship" or "normal sex life".

1 comment:

Tera said...

1. The mystery, intrigue...and discovery.

2. At "that moment," that is of course if they make "it" happen.

3. Not very

4. A bit more, but not 100% and certainly not with everyone I work with.

5. Very limited...the pure basics

Bonus (as in optional): Is there even a such thing as "normal."